Our Team

Meet the Lab members

A/ Professor David Francis

Head of NuSea.Lab

Professor Giovanni Turchini

Head of School

Dr Thomas Mock

Associate Research Fellow

Dr Matthew Jago

Associate Research Fellow

Dr Michael Salini

Research Fellow

Ms Kelsey Bews

Research Assistant

Dr Shoaib M. Siddik

Research Fellow

Dr Thiru C. Somasundaram

Research Fellow

Professor John Donald


Mr Inamul Hassan Abdul Lathiff

PhD candidate

Ms Hannah Redmond

PhD candidate

Ms Paige Miles

PhD candidate

Mr Beichen Yang

PhD candidate

Ms Courtney Bourke

PhD candidate

Ms Emily Courtot

PhD candidate

Ms Billie Julien

PhD candidate

Ms Chethana Tissera

PhD candidate

Past and associate NuSea.Lab members

Dr Andrew Oxley

Lecturer, Marine Microbiology

Dr Erin Cumming

Past Research Assistant

Dr Jessica Conlan

Past Research Fellow

Dr Ben Jones

Research Fellow

Dr Nesar Ahmed

Past Research Fellow

Dr Melissa Rocker

Past Research Fellow

Dr Kieren Searle

Past PhD candidate


At NuSea.Lab we believe collaboration is essential for tackling challenging scientific R&D objectives.

We have developed a substantial collaborative network, from within Deakin University to all regions of the globe. We are engaged in, and are highly supportive of, short and long term scientific visits. Amongst our recent visits, we have hosted Dr Biju Kamalam (visiting academic, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India); Dr Clara Trullas Huguet (PhD candidate at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Mr Ole Brodenick (MSc candidate at University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Dr Shiba Giri (visiting academic, Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, India), Dr Zhao Hongyue (visiting academic, Henan University of Technology, China), Associate Professor Qingmei Zheng (visiting academic, Jiaying University, China); Dr Sofia Morais (visiting academic, IRTA, Spain), Prof Chris Parrish (visiting academic, Memorial University, Canada), and Prof Francisco J Moyano (visiting academic, University of Almeria, Spain).

Deakin University

Associate Professor Timothy Clark (School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Queenscliff); Dr Alecia Bellgrove (School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Warrnambool); Prof Russell Keast (School of Exercise and Nutrition Science, Burwood); Associate Professor Rob Shellie (School of Exercise and Nutrition Science, Burwood); Dr Damien Callahan (School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Burwood); Associate Professor Xavier Conlan (School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Waurn Ponds); Prof Colin Barrow (School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Waurn Ponds).


Dr Richard Smullen (Ridley AgriProducts); Dr Gustavo Lehnebach (Ridley AgriProducts); Dr Nick Wade (CSIRO); Dr Omar Mendoza (CSIRO); Dr Cedric Simon (CSIRO); Dr Artur Rombenso (CSIRO); Mr Nick Tomkins (CSIRO); A/Prof Andrew Barnes (UQ); Prof Craig Franklin (UQ); Dr Alyssa Bowden (UQ); Dr Chloe English (UQ); Dr Minami Kawasaki (UQ); Prof Symon Dworjanyn (SCU); Dr Igor Pirozzi (DPI NSW); Dr Brett Ingram (DPI VIC); Dr Lindsey Woolley (WA DPIRD); Dr Gavin Partridge (Harvest Road); A/Prof Julian Partridge (UWA); Prof David Stone (Flinders University); Professor Paul Southgate (USC); Craig Humphrey (AIMS); Dr Lone Hoj (AIMS); Dr Heidi Luter (AIMS).


Dr Fernando Norambuena (BioMar, Norway); Dr Pedro Borges (BioMar, Norway), Prof Wing Keong Ng (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia); Prof Xugan Wu (Shanghai Ocean University, China); Dr Jesse Trushenski (Spring Salmon Group, USA) ; Prof Douglas Tocher (University of Stirling, Scotland); Prof Brett Glencross (IFFO, London); Dr Oscar Monroig (Spanish National Research Council, Spain); Prof Vittorio Moretti (University of Milan, Italy); Prof Francisco Moyano (University of Almeria, Spain); Prof Chris Parrish (Memorial University Newfoundland); Prof Marina Paolucci (University of Sannio, Italy).