Mr Thiru Somasundaram

Dr Thiru Somasundaram

PhD candidate (Submitted)/ Research Fellow

Deakin University, Queenscliff Campus, 2A Bellarine Hwy, Queenscliff VIC 3225


Novel processing of Phyllospora comosa (Crayweed) for enhanced nutritive value.
Thiru’s PhD investigates the different biochemical aspects of value addition to marine macro-algae. 

Thiru’s PhD project validates different processing methods for the elimination of antinutritional factors and the enhancement of nutritive value of Phyllospora comosa (Crayweed) facilitating its mass industrial use in the future. The nutritive value enhancement is validated through the assessment of biochemical composition targeting molecules and molecular groups of nutritive importance. This process driven biochemical changes are profiled for future references informing method optimisations.

Thiru’s current work is associated with the novel heterotrophic coral nutrition project.

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