
Browse through our publication titles
NuSea.Lab has produced in excess of 100 peer-reviewed publications on topics spanning aquaculture, fatty acid metabolism, fishmeal and fish oil replacement, seafood quality, nutritional ecology and ethical issues in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. NuSea.Lab authors have more than 200 peer-reviewed publications under their names.

  • Siddik, M.A.B., Julien, B. B., Islam, S. M. M., Francis, D. S. (2024) Fermentation in aquafeed processing: Achieving sustainability in feeds for global aquaculture production. Revews in Aquaculture; 1-22. doi:
  • Hassan, A. L. I., Mock, T. S., Searle, K., Rocker, M. M., Turchini, G. M., & Francis, D. S. (2024). Growth performance and feed utilisation of Australian hybrid abalone (Haliotis rubra x Haliotis laevigata) fed increasing dietary protein levels at three water temperatures. Br J Nutr, 131(6), 944-955. doi:
  • Searle, K., Hassan, A. L. I., Clark, T. D., Mock, T. S., Turchini, G. M., & Francis, D. S. (2024). Postprandial metabolism of Australian hybrid abalone (Haliotis laevigata × H. rubra) in relation to temperature and dietary protein manipulation. Aquaculture, 579, 740185. doi:
  • Siddik, M. A. B., Sørensen, M., Islam, S. M. M., Saha, N., Rahman, M. A., & Francis, D. S. (2024). Expanded utilisation of microalgae in global aquafeeds. Reviews in Aquaculture, 16(1), 6-33. doi:
  • Turchini, G. M., Conlan, J. A., Emery, J. A., Norambuena, F., Akanbi, T. O., & Francis, D. S. (2024). The melting point of dietary fatty acids is a key regulator of omega-3 fatty acid metabolism in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture, 578, 740141. doi:
  • Erlania, Macreadie, P. I., Francis, D. S., & Bellgrove, A. (2024). Modelling of fatty acids signatures predicts macroalgal carbon in marine sediments. Ecological Indicators, 160, 111715–111715.
  • Bansemer, M. S., Salini, M. J., Qin, J. G., Harris, J. O., Howarth, G. S., & Stone, D. A. J. (2024). Digestive enzymes of postweaned greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) are influenced by water temperatures and dietary protein levels. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 4(1), e146. doi:
  • Lester, R. E., Macqueen, A., Armstrong, E. K., Dodemaide, D. T., Dwyer, G. K., Mock, T. S., Payne, S., Smith, M., Storen, M., & Webb, L. (2024). Can freshwater plants and algae act as an effective feed supplement to reduce methane emissions from ruminant livestock? Science of The Total Environment, 914, 169296. doi:
  • Zare, M., Esmaeili, N., Hosseini, H., Hosseini Choupani, S. M., Akhavan, S., Salini, M., Rombenso, A., & Stejskal, V. (2024). Do optimum dietary protein and early mild stress events prepare oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) for a stressful future? Aquaculture Reports, 34, 101854. doi:


  • Hassan, A. L. I., Mock, T. S., Searle, K., Rocker, M. M., Turchini, G. M., & Francis, D. S. (2023). Optimal Dietary Protein Requirement of Subadult Australian Hybrid Abalone (Haliotis rubra × Haliotis laevigata) at Different Rearing Temperatures. Aquaculture Research, 2023, 1676340. doi:
  • Siddik, M. A. B., Francis, P., Rohani, M. F., Azam, M. S., Mock, T. S., & Francis, D. S. (2023). Seaweed and Seaweed-Based Functional Metabolites as Potential Modulators of Growth, Immune and Antioxidant Responses, and Gut Microbiota in Fish. Antioxidants (Basel), 12(12). doi:
  • Skrzypczyk, V. M., Callahan, D. L., Francis, D. S., & Bellgrove, A. (2023). Australian brown seaweeds as a source of essential dietary minerals. Journal of Applied Phycology. doi:
  • Colombo, S. M., Roy, K., Mraz, J., Wan, A. H. L., Davies, S. J., Tibbetts, S. M., Øverland, M., Francis, D. S., Rocker, M. M., Gasco, L., Spencer, E., Metian, M., Trushenski, J. T., & Turchini, G. M. (2023). Towards achieving circularity and sustainability in feeds for farmed blue foods. Reviews in Aquaculture, 15(3), 1115-1141. doi:
  • Das, S. K., Selvan, K. T., Noor, N. M., De, M., & Francis, D. S. (2023). Effects of dissolved carbon dioxide on growth and vertebral column of hybrid marine grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × E. lanceolatus) early advanced larvae. Journal of Sea Research, 193, 102381. doi:
  • Bansemer, M. S., Salini, M. J., Nankervis, L., & Stone, D. A. J. (2023). Reducing dietary wild derived fishmeal inclusion levels in production diets for large yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). Aquaculture, 572, 739487. doi:
  • Poppi, D., Salini, M., Moore, S., Simon, C., & Glencross, B. (2023). Allometric scaling exponents for individual amino acids differ significantly from that of protein in juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture, 565, 739149. doi:
  • Woolley, L., Chaklader, M. R., Pilmer, L., Stephens, F., Wingate, C., Salini, M., & Partridge, G. (2023). Gas to protein: Microbial single cell protein is an alternative to fishmeal in aquaculture. Science of The Total Environment, 859(Pt 1), 160141. doi:
  • Pham, H. D., Siddik, M. A. B., Rahman, M. A., Huynh, L. T., Nahar, A., & Vatsos, I. N. (2023). Effects of n-3 HUFA-enriched Artemia on growth, biochemical response, skeletal morphology and stress resistance of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) larvae reared at high temperature. Aquaculture, 574, 739732. doi:
  • Heshmatfar, F., Safari, R., Shabani, A., Hoseinifar, S. H., Ghaffari, H., Shokohian, B., Ullah, M. R., & Siddik, M. A. B. (2023). The effects of combined or singular administration of formic acid and Pediococcus acidilactici on stress resistance, growth performance, immune responses and related genes expression in common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Aquaculture Reports, 29, 101474. doi:
  • Rahman, M. A., Manon, M. R. K., Ullah, M. R., Alam, A., Islam, M. J., Siddik, M. A. B., & Iqbal, M. M. (2023). Biometric indices, growth pattern, and physiological status of captive-reared indigenous Yellowtail brood catfish, Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton, 1822). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(35), 83388-83400. doi:



  • Francis, D. S. (2022). The dawn of closed-cycle spiny lobster aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture, 14(4), 1743-1744. doi:
  • Francis, D., & Rocker, M. (2022). Growth of the Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry does not require more fish oil. Nature Food, 3(9), 684-685. doi:
  • Mock, T. S., Qiao, F., & Turchini, G. M. (2022). Aquaculture research and social media: A powerful tool for dissemination or white noise? Reviews in Aquaculture, 14(3), 1092-1093. doi:
  • Mock, T. S., Alkhabbaz, Z. H. R. A. A., Rocker, M. M., Lewis, M. J., Cumming, E. E., Smullen, R. P., Giovanni M. Turchini, & Francis, D. S. (2022). Gut transit rate in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to optimal and suboptimally high water temperatures. Aquaculture Research, 53(13), 4858-4868. doi:
  • Rocker, M. M., Mock, T. S., Turchini, G. M., & Francis, D. S. (2022). The judicious use of finite marine resources can sustain Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture to 2100 and beyond. Nature Food, 3(8), 644-649. doi:
  • Jones, B., Rocker, M. M., Keast, R. S. J., Callahan, D. L., Redmond, H. J., Smullen, R. P., & Francis, D. S. (2022). Systematic review of the odorous volatile compounds that contribute to flavour profiles of aquatic animals. Reviews in Aquaculture, 14(3), 1418-1477. doi:
  • Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., Du, Z.-Y., Olsen, R. E., Ringø, E., & Tocher, D. R. (2022). Chapter 5 – The lipids. In R. W. Hardy & S. J. Kaushik (Eds.), Fish Nutrition (Fourth Edition) (pp. 303-467): Academic Press. doi: 
  • Rombenso, A.N., Turchini, G.M. & Trushenski, J.T., (2022). The omega‐3 sparing effect of saturated fatty acids: A reason to reconsider common knowledge of fish oil replacement. Reviews in Aquaculture, 14(1), 213-217. doi:
  • Stone, D. A. J., Bansemer, M. S., & Salini, M. J. (2022). Dietary lipid and protein levels influence the growth and feed utilisation of large yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) at summer water temperatures. Aquaculture, 560, 738567. doi:
  • Pilmer, L. W., Woolley, L. D., Lymbery, A. J., Salini, M., & Partridge, G. J. (2022). Using dietary additives to improve palatability of diets containing single-cell protein from methanotrophic bacteria in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) diets. Aquaculture Research, 53(14), 5006-5017. doi:
  • Xu, H., Meng, X., Wei, Y., Ma, Q., Liang, M. and Turchini, G.M., (2022). Arachidonic acid matters. Reviews in Aquaculture. doi:
  • Pham, H. D., Siddik, M. A. B., Le, H. M., Ngo, M. V., Nguyen, M. V., & Francis, D. (2022). Effects of Dietary Tuna Viscera Hydrolysate Supplementation on Growth, Intestinal Mucosal Response, and Resistance to Streptococcus iniae Infection in Pompano (Trachinotus blochii). Aquaculture Nutrition, 2022, 3645868. doi:
  • Ahmed, N., Hornbuckle, J. and Turchini, G.M., 2022. Blue–green water utilization in rice–fish cultivation towards sustainable food production. Ambio, 1-16. doi:
  • Biancacci, C., Visch, W., Callahan, D. L., Farrington, G., Francis, D. S., Lamb, P., McVilly, A., Nardelli, A., Sanderson, J. C., Schwoerbel, J., Hurd, C. L., Evans, B., Macleod, C., & Bellgrove, A. (2022). Optimisation of at-sea culture and harvest conditions for cultivated Macrocystis pyrifera: yield, biofouling and biochemical composition of cultured biomass. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. doi:
  • Biancacci, C., Sanderson, J.C., Evans, B., Callahan, D.L., Francis, D.S., Skrzypczyk, V.M., Cumming, E.E. and Bellgrove, A., (2022). Nutritional composition and heavy metal profiling of Australian kelps cultured in proximity to salmon and mussel farms. Algal Research, 64, 102672. doi:
  • Biancacci, C., Sanderson, J.C., Evans, B., Callahan, D.L., Francis, D.S., Skrzypczyk, V.M., Cumming, E.E. and Bellgrove, A., 2022. Variation in biochemical composition of wild-harvested Macrocystis pyrifera (Ochrophyta) from sites proximal and distal to salmon farms in Tasmania, Australia. Algal Research, 65, 102745. doi:
  • Gunathilake, T., Akanbi, T. O., Suleria, H. A. R., Nalder, T. D., Francis, D. S., & Barrow, C. J. (2022). Seaweed Phenolics as Natural Antioxidants, Aquafeed Additives, Veterinary Treatments and Cross-Linkers for Microencapsulation. Marine Drugs, 20(7), 445. doi:
  • Botté, E.S., Cantin, N.E., Mocellin, V.J., O’Brien, P.A., Rocker, M.M., Frade, P.R. and Webster, N.S., (2022). Reef location has a greater impact than coral bleaching severity on the microbiome of Pocillopora acuta. Coral Reefs, 41(1), 63-79. doi:
  • Evliyaoğlu, E., Kilercioğlu, S., Yılmaz, H.A., Turchini, G.M., Paolucci, M., Clark, T.D., Demirkale, İ. and Eroldoğan, O.T., (2022). Iron supplementation in plant-based aquafeed: Effects on growth performance, tissue composition, iron-related serum parameters and gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture, 550, 737884. doi:
  • Luzzana, U. and Turchini, G.M., 2022. Reviews and industry: A love‐hate relationship. Reviews in Aquaculture, 14(1), 3-4. doi:
  • Siddik, M. A. B., Foysal, M. J., Fotedar, R., Francis, D. S., & Gupta, S. K. (2022). Probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae coupled with Lactobacillus casei modulates physiological performance and promotes gut microbiota in juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer. Aquaculture, 546, 737346. doi:
  • Sun, Q., Jiang, X., Hou, W., He, J., Francis, D.S. and Wu, X., (2022). Ovarian fullness affects biochemical composition and nutritional quality of female swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 106, p.104271. doi:
  • Warren-Myers, F., Swearer, S.E., Francis, D.S., Turchini, G.M., Overton, K. and Dempster, T., 2022. Algal supplements in formulated feeds: Effects on sea urchin gonad quality. Aquaculture, 548, 737673. doi:
  • Siddik, M. A. B., Howieson, J., Islam, S. M. M., & Fotedar, R. (2022). Symbiotic feed supplementation improves antioxidant response and innate immunity of juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer subjected to bacterial infection. Aquaculture, 552, 737965. doi:
  • Siddik, M. A. B., Vatsos, I. N., Rahman, M. A., & Pham, H. D. (2022). Selenium-Enriched Spirulina (SeE-SP) Enhance Antioxidant Response, Immunity, and Disease Resistance in Juvenile Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer. Antioxidants, 11(8), 1572. doi:
  • Pham, H. D., Le, M.-H., Dinh, K. V., Siddik, M. A. B., Hoang, D.-H., & Ngo, M. V. (2022). Effects of enrichment Artemia with organic selenium and essential fatty acids on growth performance and fatty acid composition of barramundi (Lates calcarifer) larvae. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 55, 102595. doi:
  • Kawser, A. Q. M. R., Foysal, M. J., Chua, E. G., Ali, M. H., Mannan, A., Siddik, M. A. B., Paul, S. I., Rahman M, M., & Tay, A. (2022). Microbiome data reveal significant differences in the bacterial diversity in freshwater rohu (Labeo rohita) across the supply chain in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 75(4), 813-823. doi:
  • Rohani, M. F., Islam, S. M. M., Hossain, M. K., Ferdous, Z., Siddik, M. A. B., Nuruzzaman, M., Padeniya, U., Brown, C., & Shahjahan, M. (2022). Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics improved the functionality of aquafeed: Upgrading growth, reproduction, immunity and disease resistance in fish. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 120, 569-589. doi:
  • Safari, R., Hoseinifar, S. H., Imanpour, M. R., Hajibegloo, A., Sanchouli, H., Homayouni, M., & Siddik, M. A. B. (2022). The effects of multi-enzyme and betaine on growth performance, body composition haemato-immunological parameters and expression of growth-related genes in beluga (Huso huso). Aquaculture, 549, 737784. doi:



  • Mock, T.S., Francis, D.S., Jago, M.K., Miles, P.C., Glencross, B.D., Smullen, R.P., Keast, R.S. and Turchini, G.M., (2021). Seasonal effects on growth and product quality in Atlantic salmon fed diets containing terrestrial oils as assessed by a long‐term, on‐farm growth trial. Aquaculture Nutrition, 27(2), pp.477-490. doi: doi:
  • Rocker, M.M., Lewis, M.J., Mock, T.S., Francis, D.S., Bellagamba, F., Moretti, V.M., Quinn, G.P., Smullen, R.P. and Turchini, G.M., (2021). Poultry offal meal production conditions impact meal quality and digestibility in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture, 542, 736909. doi:
  • Turchini, G.M. and Nie, P., 2021. The climate is still changing. Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(1), 3-4. doi:
  • Siddik, M.A., Pham, H.D., Francis, D.S., Vo, B.V. and Shahjahan, M., (2021). Dietary supplementation of fish protein hydrolysate in high plant protein diets modulates growth, liver and kidney health, and immunity of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture Nutrition, 27, 86-98. doi:
  • Colombo, S.M. and Turchini, G.M., 2021. ‘Aquafeed 3.0’: creating a more resilient aquaculture industry with a circular bioeconomy framework. Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(3), 1156-1158. doi:
  • Liu, A., Pirozzi, I., Codabaccus, B.M., Stephens, F., Francis, D.S., Sammut, J. and Booth, M.A., (2021). Effects of dietary choline on liver lipid composition, liver histology and plasma biochemistry of juvenile yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). British Journal of Nutrition, 125(12), 1344-1358. doi:
  • Ahmed, N., Thompson, S., Hardy, B. and Turchini, G.M., (2021). An ecosystem Approach to wild rice-fish cultivation. Reviews in fisheries science & aquaculture, 29(4), 549-565. doi:
  • Ahmed, N. and Turchini, G.M., (2021). Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS): Environmental solution and climate change adaptation. Journal of Cleaner production, 297, 126604. doi:
  • Ahmed, N. and Turchini, G.M., (2021). The evolution of the blue-green revolution of rice-fish cultivation for sustainable food production. Sustainability Science, 16(4), 1375-1390. doi:
  • Du, Z.Y. and Turchini, G.M., (2021). Are we actually measuring growth?-An appeal to use a more comprehensive growth index system for advancing aquaculture research. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1. doi:
  • Gündoğdu, S.E.D.A.T., Eroldoğan, O.T., Evliyaoğlu, E., Turchini, G.M. and Wu, X.G., (2021). Fish out, plastic in: Global pattern of plastics in commercial fishmeal. Aquaculture, 534, 736316. doi:
  • Ji, R., Xu, X., Turchini, G.M., Mai, K. and Ai, Q., (2021). Adiponectin’s roles in lipid and glucose metabolism modulation in fish: Mechanisms and perspectives. Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(4), 2305-2321. doi :
  • Jones, R., Pineda, M.-C., Luter, H. M., Fisher, R., Francis, D., Klonowski, W., & Slivkoff, M. (2021). Underwater Light Characteristics of Turbid Coral Reefs of the Inner Central Great Barrier Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. doi:
  • Keerthanan, S., Gunawardane, C., Somasundaram, T., Jayampathi, T., Jayasinghe, C. and Vithanage, M., (2021). Immobilization and retention of caffeine in soil amended with Ulva reticulata biochar. Journal of environmental management, 281, 111852. doi:
  • Kumlu, M., Beksari, A., Yilmaz, H.A., Sariipek, M., Kinay, E., Turchini, G.M. and Eroldogan, O.T., (2021). n-3 LC-PUFA Enrichment Protocol for Red Earthworm, Eisenia fetida: A Cheap and Sustainable Method. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 21(7), 333-346. doi:
  • Luter, H. M., Pineda, M.-C., Ricardo, G., Francis, D. S., Fisher, R., & Jones, R. (2021). Assessing the risk of light reduction from natural sediment resuspension events and dredging activities in an inshore turbid reef environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 170, 112536. doi:
  • Wang, S., Han, Z., Turchini, G.M., Wang, X., Fang, Z., Chen, N., Xie, R., Zhang, H. and Li, S., (2021). Effects of Dietary Phospholipids on Growth Performance, Digestive Enzymes Activity and Intestinal Health of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Larvae. Frontiers in Immunology, 12. doi:
  • Warren-Myers, F., Swearer, S., Francis, D., Turchini, G. and Dempster, T., (2021). Solving key industry bottlenecks for sea urchin roe enhancement.
  • Warren‐Myers, F., Turchini, G., Swearer, S.E., Francis, D. and Dempster, T., (2021). The balancing act: Protein, lipid and seaweed dietary levels to maximize gonad quantity in a wild‐caught sea urchin. Aquaculture Nutrition, 27(4), 1019-1030. doi:
  • Zhu, S., Long, X., Turchini, G.M., Deng, D., Cheng, Y. and Wu, X., (2021). Towards defining optimal dietary protein levels for male and female sub-adult Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis reared in earthen ponds: Performances, nutrient composition and metabolism, antioxidant capacity and immunity. Aquaculture, 536, 736442. doi:
  • Tissera, W. M. J. C. M., Rathnayake, S. I., Abeyrathne, E. D. N. S., & Nam, K.-C. (2021). An improved extraction and purification method for obtaining high-quality chitin and chitosan from blue swimmer (Portunus pelagicus) crab shell waste. Food Science and Biotechnology, 30(13), 1645-1655. doi:
  • Hender, A., Siddik, M. A. B., Howieson, J., & Fotedar, R. (2021). Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens as an Alternative to Fishmeal Protein and Fish Oil: Impact on Growth, Immune Response, Mucosal Barrier Status, and Flesh Quality of Juvenile Barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790). Biology (Basel), 10(6), 505-505. doi:
  • Pham, H. D., Siddik, M. A. B., Phan, U. V., Le, H. M., & Rahman, M. A. (2021). Enzymatic tuna hydrolysate supplementation modulates growth, nutrient utilisation and physiological response of pompano (Trachinotus blochii) fed high poultry-by product meal diets. Aquaculture Reports, 21, 100875. doi:
  • Booth, M. A., Codabaccus, B. M., Francis, D. S., Liu, A., Pirozzi, I., Sammut, J., & Stephens, F. (2021). Effects of dietary choline on liver lipid composition, liver histology and plasma biochemistry of juvenile yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). British Journal of Nutrition, 125(12), 1344-1358. doi:
  • Chaklader, M. R., Howieson, J., Siddik, M. A. B., Foysal, M. J., & Fotedar, R. (2021). Supplementation of tuna hydrolysate and insect larvae improves fishmeal replacement efficacy of poultry by-product in Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) juveniles. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 4997. doi:
  • Foysal, M. J., Fotedar, R., Siddik, M. A. B., Chaklader, M. R., & Tay, A. (2021). Lactobacillus plantarum in black soldier fly (Hermetica illucens) meal modulates gut health and immunity of freshwater crayfish (Cherax cainii). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 108, 42-52. doi:
  • Foysal, M. J., Momtaz, F., Kawser, A. Q. M. R., Ali, M. H., Raihan, T., Siddik, M. A. B., Rahman, M. M., & Tay, A. (2021). Amplicon sequencing reveals significantly increased Vibrio abundance and associated gene functions in vibriosis-infected black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Journal of Fish Diseases, 44(5), 591-599. doi:
  • Gupta, A., Gupta, S. K., Priyam, M., Siddik, M. A. B., Kumar, N., Mishra, P. K., Gupta, K. K., Sarkar, B., Sharma, T. R., & Pattanayak, A. (2021). Immunomodulation by dietary supplements: A preventive health strategy for sustainable aquaculture of tropical freshwater fish, Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(4), 2364-2394. doi:
  • Munilkumar, S., Rameshori, Y., Mangang, W. R., Kamei, M., Chinglemba, Y., Pavan-Kumar, A., Mahapatra, B. K., Das, A., Hanif, A., & Siddik, M. A. B. (2021). Length-weight relationships of six Nemacheilid fish species (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from different rivers of Manipur, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 37(2), 356-358. doi:
  • Nguyen, T. T. T., Foysal, M. J., Fotedar, R., Gupta, S. K., Siddik, M. A. B., & Tay, C.-Y. (2021). The Effect of Two Dietary Protein Sources on Water Quality and the Aquatic Microbial Communities in Marron (Cherax cainii) Culture. Microbial Ecology, 82(2), 299-308. doi:
  • Shahjahan, M., Islam, S. M., Bablee, A. L., Siddik, M. A. B., & Fotedar, R. (2021). Sumithion usage in aquaculture: benefit or forfeit? Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(4), 2092-2111. doi:



  • Ahmed, N., Thompson, S. and Turchini, G.M., 2020. Organic aquaculture productivity, environmental sustainability, and food security: insights from organic agriculture. Food Security, 12(6), pp.1253-1267.
  • Basford, A.J., Mos, B., Francis, D.S., Turchini, G.M., White, C.A. and Dworjanyn, S., 2020. A microalga is better than a commercial lipid emulsion at enhancing live feeds for an ornamental marine fish larva. Aquaculture, 523, p.735203.
  • Brazenor, A.K., Francis, D.S., Conlan, J.A., Carton, A.G. and Hutson, K.S., 2020. Temperature alters reproduction and maternal provisioning in a fish ectoparasite. International Journal for Parasitology, 50(10-11), pp.839-849.
  • Chee, W.L., Turchini, G.M., Teoh, C.Y. and Ng, W.K., 2020. Dietary arachidonic acid and the impact on growth performance, health and tissues fatty acids in Malabar red snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus) fingerlings. Aquaculture, 519, p.734757.
  • Conlan, J.A., Bay, L.K., Jones, A., Thompson, A. and Francis, D.S., 2020. Seasonal variation in the lipid profile of Acropora millepora at Halfway Island, Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 39(6), pp.1753-1765.
  • Dam, C.T., Elizur, A., Ventura, T., Salini, M., Smullen, R., Pirozzi, I. and Booth, M., 2019. Apparent digestibility of raw materials by yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). Aquaculture, 511, p.734233.
  • Dam, C.T.M., Booth, M., Pirozzi, I., Salini, M., Smullen, R., Ventura, T. and Elizur, A., 2020. Alternative feed raw materials modulate intestinal microbiota and its relationship with digestibility in Yellowtail Kingfish Seriola lalandi. Fishes, 5(2), p.14.
  • Dam, C.T.M., Ventura, T., Booth, M., Pirozzi, I., Salini, M., Smullen, R. and Elizur, A., 2020. Intestinal transcriptome analysis highlights key differentially expressed genes involved in nutrient metabolism and digestion in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) fed terrestrial animal and plant proteins. Genes, 11(6), p.621.
  • Francis, D.S. and Betancor, M.B., 2020. Introduction to a Special Section: Essential Fatty Acids in Fish. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 82(3), pp.239-240.
  • Ghasemi Fard, S., Loh, S.P., Turchini, G.M., Wang, B., Elliott, G. and Sinclair, A.J., 2020. Microencapsulated tuna oil results in higher absorption of DHA in toddlers. Nutrients, 12(1), p.248.
  • Jones, R., Fisher, R., Francis, D., Klonowski, W., Luter, H., Negri, A., Pineda, M.C., Ricardo, G. and Slivkoff, M., 2020. Risk assessing dredging activities in shallow-water mesophotic reefs. National Environmental Science Programme Project, 2(9).
  • Li, S., Sang, C., Turchini, G.M., Wang, A., Zhang, J. and Chen, N., 2020. Starch in aquafeeds: the benefits of a high amylose to amylopectin ratio and resistant starch content in diets for the carnivorous fish, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). British Journal of Nutrition, 124(11), pp.1145-1155.
  • Long, X., Guo, Q., Wang, X., Francis, D.S., Cheng, Y. and Wu, X., 2020. Effects of fattening period on ovarian development and nutritional quality of adult female Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 519, p.734748.
  • Mock, T.S., Francis, D.S., Drumm, D.W., Versace, V.L., Glencross, B.D., Smullen, R.P., Jago, M.K. and Turchini, G.M., 2020. A systematic review and analysis of long-term growth trials on the effect of diet on omega-3 fatty acid levels in the fillet tissue of post-smolt Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture, 516, p.734643.
  • Nordhagen, A., Rizwan, A.A.M., Aakre, I., Moxness Reksten, A., Pincus, L.M., Bøkevoll, A., Mamun, A., Haraksingh Thilsted, S., Htut, T., Somasundaram, T. and Kjellevold, M., 2020. Nutrient composition of demersal, pelagic, and mesopelagic fish species sampled off the coast of Bangladesh and their potential contribution to food and nutrition security—The EAF-Nansen Programme. Foods, 9(6), p.730.
  • Reksten, A.M., Somasundaram, T., Kjellevold, M., Nordhagen, A., Bøkevoll, A., Pincus, L.M., Rizwan, A.A.M., Mamun, A., Thilsted, S.H., Htut, T. and Aakre, I., 2020. Nutrient composition of 19 fish species from Sri Lanka and potential contribution to food and nutrition security. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 91, p.103508.
  • Smith, H.A., Conlan, J.A., Pollock, F.J., Wada, N., Shore, A., Hung, J.Y.H., Aeby, G.S., Willis, B.L., Francis, D.S. and Bourne, D.G., 2020. Energy depletion and opportunistic microbial colonisation in white syndrome lesions from corals across the Indo-Pacific. Scientific reports, 10(1), pp.1-14.
  • Tang, M., Wu, R., Jiang, X., Deng, D., Xiang, C., Cheng, Y., Turchini, G.M. and Wu, X., 2020. Effects of four natural diets on the culture performance and biochemical composition of megalopa of Eriocheir sinensis during desalination period. Aquaculture Research, 51(7), pp.2831-2841.
  • Turchini, G., Wilkinson, S. and Tacon, A., 2020. Professor Sena S. De Silva (1946-2020) In Memoriam.
  • Turchini, G.M. and Nie, P., 2020. Beyond 2020. Reviews in Aquaculture, 12(4), pp.2008-2009.
  • Xu, H., Turchini, G.M., Francis, D.S., Liang, M., Mock, T.S., Rombenso, A. and Ai, Q., 2020. Are fish what they eat? A fatty acid’s perspective. Progress in Lipid Research, 80, p.101064.
  • Zhu, S., Long, X., Turchini, G.M., Francis, D.S., Deng, D., Cheng, Y. and Wu, X., 2020. Dietary fishmeal replacement with a mixed‐blend protein evokes sex‐specific differences on culture performance and physiological effects on Chinese mitten crab. Aquaculture nutrition, 26(6), pp.2043-2058.



  • Chee, W. L., Turchini, G. M., Teoh, C. Y., Ng, W. K., 2019. Dietary arachidonic acid and the impact on growth performance, health and tissues fatty acids in Malabar red snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus) fingerlings. Aquaculture, 734757.
  • Conlan, J. A., Humphrey, C. A., Severati, A., Parrish, C. C., Francis, D. S., 2019. Elucidating an optimal diet for captive Acropora corals. Aquaculture 513, 734420.
  • Cumming, E. E., Matthews, T. G., Sanderson, C. J., Ingram, B. A., Bellgrove, A., 2019. Optimal spawning conditions of Phyllospora comosa (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) for mariculture. Journal of Applied Phycology 1-10.
  • Delamare-Deboutteville, J., Batstone, D.J., Kawasaki, M., Stegman, S., Salini, M., Tabrett, S., Smullen, R., Barnes, A.C. and Hülsen, T., 2019. Mixed culture purple phototrophic bacteria is an effective fishmeal replacement in aquaculture. Water research X, 4, p.100031.
  • Francis, D. S., Cleveland, B. J., Jones, P. J., Turchini, G. M., Conlan, J. A., 2019. Effects of PUFA-enriched Artemia on the early growth and fatty acid composition of Murray cod larvae. Aquaculture 513, 734362.
  • Ghasemi Fard, S., Wang, F., Sinclair, A. J., Elliott, G., Turchini, G. M., 2019. How does high DHA fish oil affect health? A systematic review of evidence. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59 (11), 1684-1727.
  • Katigbak, R. D., Turchini, G. M., de Graaf, S. P., Kong. L., Dumée, L. F., 2019. Review on sperm sorting technologies and sperm properties toward new separation methods via the interface of biochemistry and material science. Advanced Biosystems 3(9), 1900079.
  • Lewis, M. J., Francis, D. S., Blyth, D., Moyano, F. J., Smullen, R. P., Turchini, G. M., Booth, M. A., 2019. A comparison of in-vivo and in-vitro methods for assessing the digestibility of poultry by-product meals using barramundi (Lates calcarifer); impacts of cooking temperature and raw material freshness. Aquaculture 498, 187-200.
  • Liu, M., Feng, Q., Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., Zeng, C., Wu, X., 2019. Tamoxifen affects the histology and hepatopancreatic lipid metabolism of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquatic Toxicology 213, 105220.
  • Long, X., Guo, Q., Wang, X., Francis, D. S., Cheng, Y., Wu, X., 2019. Effects of fattening period on ovarian development and nutritional quality of adult female Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 734748.
  • Mock, T. S., Francis, D. S., Jago, M. J., Glencross, B. D., Smullen, R. P., Tuchini, G. M., 2019. Endogenous biosynthesis of n-3 LC PUFA in Atlantic salmon. British Journal of Nutrition 121(10), 1-34.
  • Mock, T. S., Francis, D. S., Jago, M. K., Glencross, B. D., Smullen, R. P., Keast, R. S. J., Turchini, G. M., 2019. Altered levels of shorter vs long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in commercial diets for market-sized Atlantic salmon reared in seawater: Effects on fatty acid composition, metabolism and product quality. Aquaculture 499, 167-177.
  • Mock, T. S., Francis, D. S., Jago, M. K., Glencross, B. D., Smullen, R. P., Keast, R. S. J., Turchini, G. M., 2019. The impact of dietary protein: lipid ratio on growth performance, fatty acid metabolism, product quality and waste output in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture 501, 191-201.
  • Rochana, W., Niroshan, W., Tiruchenduran, S., Sulaiman, M.A. and Mahesh, D., 2019. Effects of chitosan on growth, immune responses and survival of juvenile tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798). Int J Fish Aquat Stud, 7, pp.129-133.
  • Rocker, M. M., Francis, D. S., Fabricius, K. E., Willis, B. L., Bay, L. K., 2019. Temporal and spatial variation in fatty acid composition in Acropora tenuis corals along water quality gradients on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs 38(2), 215-228.
  • Rocker, M., Kenkel, C. D., Francis, D. S., Willis, B. L., Bay, L. K., 2019. Plasticity in gene expression and fatty acid profiles of Acropora tenuis reciprocally transplanted between two water quality regimes in the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology 511, 40-53.
  • Simon, C.J., Salini, M.J., Irvin, S., Blyth, D., Bourne, N. and Smullen, R., 2019. The effect of poultry protein concentrate and phosphorus supplementation on growth, digestibility and nutrient retention efficiency in barramundi Lates calcarifer. Aquaculture, 498, pp.305-314.
  • Skrzypczyk, V. M., Hermon, K. M., Norambuena, F., Turchini, G. M., Keast, R. S. J., Bellgrove, A., 2019. Is Australian seaweed worth eating? Nutritional and sensorial properties of wild-harvested Australian versus commercially available seaweeds. Journal of Applied Phycology 31(1), 709-724.
  • Strahl, J., Rocker, M.M. and Fabricius, K.E., 2019. Contrasting responses of the coral Acropora tenuis to moderate and strong light limitation in coastal waters. Marine environmental research, 147, pp.80-89.
  • Turchini, G. M., Trushenski, J. T., Glencross, B. D., 2019. Thoughts for the future of aquaculture nutrition: realigning perspectives to reflect contemporary issues related to judicious use of marine resources in aquafeeds. North American Journal of Aquaculture 81(1), 13-39.
  • Warren-Myers, F., Swearer, S. E., Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., Dempster, T., 2019. Harvest method does not affect survival and condition during gonad enhancement of an overabundant sea urchin. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11, 143-148.



  • Bennett, H., Bell, J. J. Davy, S. K., Webster, N. S., Francis, D. S., 2018. Elucidating the sponge stress response; lipids and fatty acids can facilitate survival under future climate scenarios. Global Change Biology 24(7), 1-15.
  • Conlan, J. A., Bay, L. K., Severati, A., Humphrey, C. A., Francis, D. S., 2018. Comparing the capacity of five different dietary treatments to optimise growth and nutritional composition in two scleractinian corals. PLoS One 13 (11), e0207956.
  • Conlan, J. A., Humphrey, C. A., Severati, A., Francis, D. S., 2018. Intra-colonial diversity in the scleractinian coral, Acropora millepora: identifying the nutritional gradients underlying physiological integration and compartmentalised functioning. PeerJ 6:e4239;
  • Eroldoğan, O. T., Elsabagh, M., Emre, Y., Turchini, G. M., Yilmaz, H. A., Eraslan, D., Emre, N., Evliyaoğlu, E., 2018. Circadian feeding schedules in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): A comparative approach towards improving dietary fish oil utilization and n-3 LC-PUFA metabolism. Aquaculture 495, 806-814.
  • Ghasemifard, S., Wang, F., Sinclair, A. J., Elliot, G., Turchini, G. M., 2018. How does high DHA fish oil affect health? A systematic review of evidence. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 1-44.
  • Kabeya, N., Fonseca, M. M., Ferrier, D. E. K., Navarro, J. C., Bay, L. K., Francis, D. S., Tocher, D. R., Castro, L. F. C., Monroig, O., 2018. Genes for de novo biosynthesis of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are widespread in animals. Science Advances 4(5), eaar6849.
  • Kumlu, M., Beksari, A., Eroldoğan, O. T., Yilmaz, H. A., Sariipek, M., Kinay, E., Turchini, G. M., 2018. DHA enrichment of the red earthworm Eisenia fetida for improving its potential as dietary source for aquaculture. Aquaculture 496, 10-18.
  • Liem, D., Turchini, G. M., Wanich, U., Keast, R. S. J., 2018. Sustainability Descriptive Labels on Farmed Salmon: Do Young Educated Consumers Like It More? Sustainability 10(7), 2397.
  • Pert, C. G., Swearer, S. E., Dworjanyn, S., Kriegisch, N., Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., Dempster, T., 2018. Barrens of gold: gonad conditioning of an overabundant sea urchin. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10, 345-361.
  • Turchini, G. M., Hermon, K. M., Francis, D. S., 2018. Fatty acids and beyond: Fillet nutritional characterisation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed different dietary oil sources.  Aquaculture 491, 391-397.



  • Araújo, B., Salini, M., Glencross, B. and Wade, N., 2017. The influence of dietary fatty acid and fasting on the hepatic lipid metabolism of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture research, 48(7), pp.3879-3893.
  • Brazenor, A. K., Francis, D. S., Hutson, K. S., Carton, A. G., 2017. Biochemical composition of marine monogenean parasite eggs. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 218, 1-3.
  • Conlan, C. A., Rocker, M. M., Francis, D. S., 2017. A comparison of two common sample preparation techniques for lipid and fatty acid analysis in three coral morphotypes reveals quantitative and qualitative differences.  PeerJ, 5:e3645; doi: 10.7717/peerj.3645.
  • Conlan, J. A., Humphrey, C. A., Severati, A., Francis, D. S., 2017. Influence of different feeding regimes on the survival, growth, and biochemical composition of Acropora coral recruits.  PLoS ONE. 12(11): e0188568.
  • Duy, N. D. Q., Francis, D. S., Southgate, P. C., 2017. The nutritional value of live and concentrated micro-algae for early juveniles of sandfish, Holothuria scabra.  Aquaculture 473, 97-104.
  • Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., 2017. Retro-engineering the protein sparing effect to preserve n-3 LC-PUFA from catabolism and optimise fish oil utilisation: A preliminary case study on juvenile Atlantic salmon.  Aquaculture, 468, 184-192.
  • Mellery J., Brel, J., Dort, J., Geay, F., Kestamont, P., Francis, D. S., Larondelle, Y., Rollin, X., 2017. A n-3 PUFA depletion applied to rainbow trout fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss) does not modulate its subsequent lipid bioconversion capacity.  British Journal of Nutrition 117(2), 187-199.
  • Mellin, C., Lugrin, C., Okaji, K., Francis, D. S., Uthicke, S., 2017. Selective feeding and microalgal consumption rates by crown-of-thorns seastar (Acanthaster cf. solaris) larvae.  Diversity 9(1), 8.
  • Ram, R., Francis, D. S., Vandana Chand, R., Southgate, P. C., 2017. Nutritional value of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra from Fiji Islands. SPC Fisheries Newsletter 152:29–31.
  • Rocker, M. M., Francis, D. S., Fabricius, K. E., Willis, B. L., Bay, L. K., 2017. Variation in the health and biochemical condition of the coral Acropora tenuis along two water quality gradients on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.  Marine Pollution Bulletin 119(2), 106-119.
  • Salini, M.J., Turchini, G.M., Glencross, B.D., 2017. Effect of dietary saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in juvenile barramundi Lates calcarifer. Aquaculture Nutrition 23: 264-275.
  • Thiruchenduran, S., Maheswari, K.U., Prasad, T.N.V.K.V., Rajeswari, B. and Suneetha, W.J., 2017. UV-Vis scanning coupled with PCA as an alternative method for phytochemical screening of natural products–Costus Igneus leaf metabolites. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(1), pp.411-416.



  • Duy, N. D. Q., Francis, D. S., Pirozzi, I., Southgate, P. C., 2016. Use of micro-algae concentrates for hatchery culture of sandfish, Holothuria scabra.  Aquaculture 464, 145-152.
  • Duy, N. D. Q., Francis, D. S., Southgate, P. C., 2016. Development of hyaline spheres in late auriculariae of sandfish, Holothuria scabra: Is it a reliable indicator of subsequent performance?  Aquaculture 465, 144-151.
  • Emery, J. A., Norambuena, F., Trushenski, J., Turchini, G. M., 2016. Uncoupling EPA and DHA in fish nutrition: Dietary demand is limited in Atlantic salmon and effectively met by DHA alone. Lipids 51, 399–412.
  • Emery, J. A., Smullen, R. P., Keast, R. S. J., Turchini, G. M., 2016. Viability of tallow inclusion in Atlantic salmon diet, as assessed by an on-farm grow out trial. Aquaculture 451, 289-297.
  • Giri, S. S., Graham, J., Hamid, N. K. A., Donald, J. A., Turchini, G. M., 2016. Dietary micronutrients and in vivo n-3 LC-PUFA biosynthesis in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 452, 416-425.
  • Gregory, M. K., Collins, R. O., Torcher, D. R., James, M. J., Turchini, G. M., 2016. Nutritional regulation of long-chain PUFA biosynthetic genes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). British Journal of Nutrition 115, 1721–1729.
  • Hamid, N. K. A., Carmona-Antonanzas, G., Monroig, O., Tocher, D. R., Turchini, G. M., Donald, J. A., 2016. Isolation and functional characterisation of a fads2 in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with Δ5 desaturase activity. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150770.
  • Johansson, C., Francis, D. S., Uthicke, S., 2016. Food preferences of juvenile crown-of-thorns (Acanthaster planci) sea stars. Marine Biology, 163, 49, doi: 10.1007/s00227-016-2823-0.
  • Jones, B. C, Smullen, R. P., Carton, A. G., 2016. Flavour enhancement of freshwater farmed barramundi (Lates calcarifer), through dietary enrichment with cultivated sea lettuce, Ulva ohnoi. Aquaculture 454, 192-198.
  • Norambuena F., Rombenso, A., Turchini, G. M., 2016. Towards the optimization of performance of Atlantic salmon reared at different water temperatures via the manipulation of dietary ARA/EPA ratio. Aquaculture 450, 48-57.
  • Salini, M. J., Poppi, D, Turchini, G. M., Glencross, B. D., 2016. Defining the allometric relationship between size and individual fatty acid turnover in barramundi Lates calcarifer. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 201, 79–86.
  • Salini, M. J., Wade, N. M., Araujo, B. C., Turchini, G. M., Glencross, B. D., 2016. Eicosapentaenoic acid, arachidonic acid and eicosanoid metabolism in juvenile barramundi Lates calcarifer. Lipids 51, 973-988.
  • Salini, M. J., Wade, N., Bourne, N., Turchini, G. M., Glencross, B. D., 2016. The effect of marine and non-marine phospholipid rich oils when fed to juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture 455,125-135.
  • Strahl, J., Francis, D. S., Doyle, J., Humphrey, C., Fabricius, K. E., 2016. Biochemical responses to ocean acidification contrast between tropical corals with high and low abundances at volcanic carbon dioxide seeps.  ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv194.
  • Thiruchenduan, S., Maheswari, K.U., Suneetha, J., Prasad, T.N.V.K.V. and Rajeswari, B., 2016. Screening for Plant Secondary Metabolites in Selected Indigenous Herbal Plants. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2(4), pp.1103-1106.



  • Gamble, S., Pirozzi, I., Hall, M. R., Zeng, C., Conlan, J. A., Francis, D. S., 2015. The effects of pre-digested protein sources on the performance of early–mid stage Panulirus ornatus  Aquaculture.  440, 17-24.
  • Ghasemifard, S., Hermon, K., Turchini G. M., Sinclair, A. J., 2015. Metabolic fate (absorption, β-oxidation and deposition) of long-chain n-3 fatty acids is affected by sex and by the oil source (krill oil or fish oil) in the rat. British Journal of Nutrition 114, 684–692.
  • Ghasemifard, S., Sinclair, A.J., Kaur, G., Lewandowski, P., Turchini G. M., 2015. What is the most effective way of increasing the bioavailability of dietary long chain omega-3 fatty acids—daily vs. weekly administration of fish oil? Nutrients 7, 5628-5645 doi:10.3390/nu7075241.
  • Jones, B. C., Carton, A. G., 2015. Effects of dietary enrichment with alpha-tocopherol acetate and post-harvest filleting on lipid oxidation and flesh quality of tropical farmed barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture 448, 280-287.
  • Mulvaney, W. J., Jahangard, S., Ingram, B. A., Turchini, G. M., Winberg, P. C., 2015. Recovery of omega-3 profiles of cultivated abalone by dietary macroalgae supplementation. Journal of Applied Phycology 27, 2163-2171.
  • Norambuena F., Hermon, K., Skrzypczyk, V., Emery, J. A., Sharon, Y., Beard, A., Turchini, G. M., 2015. Algae in fish feed: Performances and fatty acid metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon. PLoS ONE 10(4) e0124042 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124042.
  • Norambuena F., Morais S., Emery, J.A., Turchini, G. M., 2015. Arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon as affected by water temperature. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143622. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143622.
  • Rahman, M. M., Gasparini, C., Turchini, G. M., Evans, J. P., 2015. Testing the interactive effects of carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids on ejaculate traits in the guppy Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Poeciliidae). Journal of Fish Biology 86, 1638–1643.
  • Rocker, M.M. and Brandl, S.J., 2015. Transplantation of corals into a new environment results in substantial skeletal loss in Acropora tenuis. Marine Biodiversity, 45(2), pp.321-326.
  • Rocker, M.M., Noonan, S., Humphrey, C., Moya, A., Willis, B.L. and Bay, L.K., 2015. Expression of calcification and metabolism-related genes in response to elevated pCO2 and temperature in the reef-building coral Acropora millepora. Marine genomics, 24, pp.313-318.
  • Salini, M. J., Turchini, G. M., Wade, N. M., Glencross, B. D., 2015. Rapid effects of essential fatty acid deficiency on growth and development parameters and transcription of key fatty acid metabolism genes in juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer). British Journal of Nutrition 114, 1784-1796.
  • Salini, M., Irvin, S., Bourne, N., Blyth, D., Cheers, S., Habilay, N. and Glencross, B., 2015. Marginal efficiencies of long chain-polyunsaturated fatty acid use by barramundi (Lates calcarifer) when fed diets with varying blends of fish oil and poultry fat. Aquaculture, 449, pp.48-57.
  • Trullas Huguet, C., Norambuena, F., Emery, J. A., Hermon, K., Turchini, G. M., 2015. Dietary n-6/n-3 LC-PUFA ratio, temperature and time interactions on nutrients and fatty acids digestibility in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 436, 160–166.
  • Uthicke, S., Logan, M., Liddy, M., Francis, D. S., Hardy, N., Lamare, M., 2015. Climate change as an unexpected co-factor promoting coral eating seastar (Acanthaster planci) outbreaks.  Scientific Reports 5, 8402 doi: 10.1038/srep08402.
  • Varricchio, E., Russo, F., Coccia, E., Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., Paolucci, M., 2015. The orexinergic system in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and its regulation by dietary lipids.  Microscopy and Research Techniques 78, 707-714.
  • Zuo, R., Mai, K., Xu, W., Turchini, G.M., Ai, Q., 2015. Dietary ALA, but not LNA, increase growth, reduce inflammatory processes, and increase anti‑oxidant capacity in the marine finfish Larimichthys crocea. Lipids 50,149-163.



  • Coccia, E., Varricchio, E., Vito, P., Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., Paolucci, M., 2014. Fatty acid-specific alterations in leptin, PPARα, and CPT-1 gene expression in the rainbow trout.  Lipids 49, 1033-1049.
  • Conlan, J. A., Jones, P. L., Turchini, G. M., Hall, M. R., Francis, D. S., 2014. Changes in the nutritional composition of captive early-mid stage Panulirus ornatus phyllosoma over ecdysis and larval development.  Aquaculture 434, 159-170.
  • Emery, J.A., Smullen, R. Turchini, G. M., 2014. Tallow in Atlantic salmon feed. Aquaculture 422, 98–108.
  • Francis, D. S., Hall, M. R., Salmon, M. L., Kenway, M., 2014. Palinurid lobster aquaculture: Nutritional progress and considerations for successful larval rearing.  Aqua. 6, 180-203.
  • Francis, D. S., Thanuthong, T., Senadheera, S. D., Paolucci, M., De Silva, S. S., Turchini, G. M., 2014. n-3 LC-PUFA deposition efficiency and appetite-regulating hormones are modulated by the dietary lipid source during rainbow trout grow-out and finishing periods. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 40, 577-593.
  • Ghasemifard, S., Linderborg, K. M., Turchini, G. M., Sinclair, A. J., 2014. Comparison of the bioavailability of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) in the rat. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 90, 23-26.
  • Ghasemifard, S., Turchini G.M., Sincalir, A.J., 2014. Omega-3 long chain fatty acid ‘‘bioavailability’’: A review of evidence and methodological considerations. Progress in Lipid Research 56, 92–108.
  • Norambuena, F. Lewis, M., Hamid, N. K. A., Hermon, K., Donald, J. A., Turchini, G. M., 2014. Fish oil replacement in current aquaculture feed: Is cholesterol a hidden treasure for fish nutrition? PloS ONE 8(12): e81705.
  • Pascoe, M. C., Howells, D. W., Crewther, D. P., Constantinou, N., Carey, L. M., Rewell, S. S., Turchini, G. M., Kaur, G., Crewther S. G., 2014. Fish oil diet associated with acute reperfusion related haemorrhage, and with reduced stroke-related sickness behaviours and motor impairment. Frontiers in Neurology 5(14), 1-15 doi: 10.3389/fneur.2014.00014.
  • Rahman M. M., Turchini, G. M., Gasparini, C., Norambuena, F., Evans, J.P., 2014. The expression of pre- and postcopulatory sexually selected traits reflects levels of dietary stress in guppies. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105856 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105856.
  • Rahman, M. M., Gasparini, C., Turchini, G. M., Evans, J. P., 2014. Experimental reduction in dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids depress sperm competitiveness. Biology Letters 10: 20140623 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0623.
  • Salini, M.J. and Adams, L.R., 2014. Growth performance, nutrient utilisation and digestibility by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed Tasmanian grown white (Lupinus albus) and narrow-leafed (L. angustifolius) lupins. Aquaculture, 426, pp.296-303.



  • Alhazzaa, R., Sinclair, A. J., Turchini, G. M., 2013. Bioconversion of α-linolenic acid into n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid in hepatocytes and ad hoc cell culture optimisation. PloS ONE 8(9): e73719.
  • Emery, J. A., Hermon, K., Hamid, N. K. A., Donald, J. A., Turchini G. M., 2013. Δ-6 desaturase substrate competition: dietary linoleic acid (18:2n-6) has only trivial effects on α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) bioconversion in the teleost rainbow trout. PloS ONE 8(2): e57463.
  • Eroldoğan, O. T, Yılmaz, A. H., Turchini G. M., Arslan, M., Sirkecioğlu, N. A., Engin, K., Özşahinoğlu, I., Mumoğullarında, P., 2013. Fatty acid metabolism in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Effects of n-6 PUFA and MUFA in fish oil replaced diets. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39, 941-955.
  • Hall, M. R., Kenway, M. J., Salmon, M. L., Francis, D. S., Goulden, E. and Hoj, L., 2013. Palinurid Lobster Larval Rearing. In ‘Advances in Aquaculture Hatchery Technology’. Allan, G. and Burnell, G. (editors). Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, pp. 298-328.
  • Jones, B. C., Fuller, S., Carton, A. G., 2013. Earthy-muddy tainting of cultured barramundi linked to geosmin in tropical northern Australia. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 3, 117-124.
  • Kaviraj A., Mondal K., Mukhopadhayay P. K., Turchini G. M., 2013. Fermented mulberry leaf and fish offal can be successfully included in Indian major carp (Labeo rohita) diet formulation. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Kolkata 66(1), 64–73.
  • Lewis, M. L. Hamid, N. K. A., Alhazzaa, R., Hermon, K., Donald, J. A. Sinclair, A. J., Turchini G. M., 2013. Targeted dietary micronutrient fortification modulates n-3 LC-PUFA pathway activity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 412, 215–222.
  • Miller, E., Kaur, G., Larsen, A., Loh, S. P., Linderborg, K., Weisinger, H. S., Turchini, G. M., Cameron-Smith, D., Sinclair, A. J., 2013. A short-term n-3 DPA supplementation study in humans. European Journal of Nutrition 52, 895–904.
  • Turchini, G. M. 2013. Fish oils, misconceptions and the environment. American Journal of Public Health. 103(11): e4-e5.
  • Turchini, G. M., Hermon, K., Cleveland, B. J., Emery, J. A., Rankin, T., Francis, D. S., 2013. Seven fish oil substitutes over a rainbow trout grow-out cycle: I) Effects on performance and fatty acid metabolism.  Aquaculture Nutrition 19, 82-94.
  • Turchini, G. M., Hermon, K., Moretti, V. M., Caprino, F., Busetto, M. L., Bellagamba, F., Rankin, T., Francis, D. S., 2013. Seven fish oil substitutes over a rainbow trout grow-out cycle: II) Effects on final eating quality and production costs.  Aquaculture Nutrition. 19, 95-109.
  • Turchini, G. M., Moretti, V. M., Hermon, K., Caprino, F., Busetto, M. L., Bellagamba, F., Rankin, T., Keast, R. S. J., Francis, D. S., 2013. Monola oil versus canola oil as a fish oil replacer in rainbow trout feeds: effects on growth, fatty acid metabolism and final eating quality.  Food Chemistry 141, 1335-1344.



  • Cleveland, B. C., Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., 2012. Echium oil provides no benefit over linseed oil for (n-3) long-chain PUFA biosynthesis in rainbow trout.  Journal of Nutrition. 142, 1-8.
  • De Silva, S. S., Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., 2012. Nutrition. In: Aquaculture, Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants, 2nd edition (Lucas, J. S. and Southgate, P. C. eds). Fishing News Books, Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, UK, pp 164-187.
  • Eroldoğan, O. T., Turchini G. M., Yılmaz, A. H., Taşbozan, O., Engin, K., Ölçülü, A., Özşahinoğlu, I., Mumoğullarında, P., 2012. Potential of cottonseed oil as fish oil replacer in European sea bass feed formulation. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 12, 787-797.
  • Senadheera, S. D., Turchini, G. M., Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., 2012. Effects of dietary vitamin B6 supplementation on fillet fatty acid composition and fatty acid metabolism of rainbow trout fed vegetable oil based diets.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60, 2343-2353.
  • Senadheera, S., Turchini, G., Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., 2012. Effects of dietary iron supplementation on growth performance, fatty acid composition and fatty acid metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed vegetable oil based diets.  Aquaculture 342, 80-88.
  • Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., Senadheera, S. D., Jones, P. L., Turchini, G. M., 2012. Short-term food deprivation before a fish oil finishing strategy improves the deposition of n-3 LC-PUFA, but not the washing-out of C18 PUFA in rainbow trout.  Aquaculture Nutrition 18, 441-456.
  • Turchini, G. M., Nichols, P., Barrow, C., Sinclair, A. J., 2012. Jumping on the omega-3 bandwagon: distinguishing the role of long-chain and short-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 52, 795–803.
  • Varricchio, E., Russo, F., Coccia, E., Turchini, G., Francis D., De Girolamo, P., Paolucci, M., 2012. Immunohistochemical and immunological detection of ghrelin and leptin in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii as affected by different dietary fatty acids.  Microscopy and Research Techniques.  75, 771-780.



  • Bellagamba, F., Caprino, F., Busetto, M. L., Francis, D. S., Vasconi M., Turchini, G. M., Moretti, V. M., 2011. Assessment of oxidatively generated DNA damage in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with different lipid sources. Aquaculture 317, 124-132.
  • De Silva, S. S., Francis, D. S., Tacon, A. G. J., 2011. Fish oils in aquaculture; In retrospect. In: “Fish Oil Replacement and Alternative Lipid Sources in Aquaculture Diets” (Turchini, G. M., Ng, W. K., Tocher, D. R. eds). CRC Press, pp. 1-20.
  • Senadheera, S. P. S. D., Turchini, G. M., Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., 2011. Effects of dietary α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) / linoleic acid (18:2n-6) ratio on fatty acid metabolism in Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59, 1020 – 1030.
  • Teoh, C. Y, Turchini, G. M., Ng, W. K., 2011. Genetically improved farmed Nile tilapia and red hybrid tilapia showed differences in fatty acid metabolism when fed diets with added fish oil or a vegetable oil blend. Aquaculture 312, 126–136.
  • Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., Manickam, E., Senadheera, S., Cameron-Smith, D., Turchini, G., 2011. Fish oil replacement in rainbow trout diets and total dietary PUFA content: II) Effects on fatty acid metabolism and in vivo fatty acid bioconversion.  Aquaculture, 322, 99-108.
  • Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., Senadheera, S. D., Jones, P. L., Turchini, G. M., 2011. Fish oil replacement in rainbow trout diets and total dietary PUFA content: I) Effects on feed efficiency, fat deposition and the efficiency of a finishing strategy.  Aquaculture 320, 82-90.
  • Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., Senadheera, S. D., Jones, P. L., Turchini, G. M., 2011. LC-PUFA biosynthesis in rainbow trout is substrate limited:  Use of the whole body fatty acid balance method and different 18:3n-3/18:2n-6 ratios.  Lipids 46, 1111-1127.
  • Tocher, D. R., Francis, D. S., Coupland, K., 2011. n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich vegetable oils and blends. In: “Fish Oil Replacement and Alternative Lipid Sources in Aquaculture Diets” (Turchini, G. M., Ng, W. K., Tocher, D. R. eds). CRC Press, pp. 209-244.
  • Turchini G. M., Francis D. S., Keast, R. S. J., Sinclair, A. J., 2011. Transforming salmonid aquaculture from a consumer to a producer of long chain omega-3 fatty acids. Food Chemistry 124, 609-614.
  • Turchini, G. M., De Smet, S., Francis, D. S., 2011. The whole-body fatty acid balance method: Examples of its potential for feed efficiency and product quality optimisation in fish and poultry.  Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition – Australia 18, 69-78.
  • Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., Senadheera, S. P. S. D., Thanuthong, T., De Silva, S. S., 2011. Fish oil replacement with different vegetable oils in Murray cod: Evidence of an “omega-3 sparing effect” by other dietary fatty acids. Aquaculture 315, 250-259.



  • Brown, T. D., Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., 2010. Can dietary lipid source circadian alternation improve omega-3 deposition in rainbow trout? Aquaculture 300, 148-155.
  • De Silva, S. S., Ingram, B. A., Nguyen, P. T., Bui, T. T., Gooley, G. F., Turchini, G. M., 2010. Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluent from the striped catfish farming sector in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Ambio 39, 504-514.
  • Glencross B. G., Turchini, G. M., 2011. Fish oil replacement in starter, grow-out and finishing feeds for farmed aquatic animals”. In: Fish oil Replacement and Alternative Lipid Sources in Aquaculture Feeds. Edited by G. M. Turchini, W. K. Ng & D. R. Tocher. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group. Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp 373-404
  • Pettersen, A. K, Turchini, G. M., Jahangard, S. Brett, I. A, Sherman, C. D. H., 2010. Effects of different dietary microalgae on survival, growth, settlement and fatty acid composition of blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) larvae. Aquaculture 309, 115–124.
  • Poureslami, R., Raes, K., Turchini, G. M., Huyghebaert, G., De Smet, S., 2010. Effect of diet, sex and age on fatty acid metabolism in broilers: n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. British Journal of Nutrition 104, 189–197.
  • Poureslami, R., Turchini, G. M., Raes, K., Huyghebaert, G., De Smet, S., 2010. Effect of diet, sex and age on fatty acid metabolism in broilers: SFA and MUFA. British Journal of Nutrition 104, 204–213.
  • Senadheera, S. P. S. D., Turchini, G. M., Thanuthong, T., Francis, D. S., 2010. Effects of dietary α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) / linoleic acid (18:2n-6) ratio on growth performance, fillet fatty acid profile and finishing efficiency in Murray cod. Aquaculture 309, 222-230.
  • Tacon, A.G.J., Metian, M., Turchini, G.M., De Silva, S.S., 2010. Responsible aquaculture and trophic level implications to global fish supply. Reviews in Fisheries Science 18(1): 94–105.
  • Turchini, G. M., Mailer, R., 2011. Rapeseed oil and other monounsaturated fatty-rich vegetable oils. In: Fish oil Replacement and Alternative Lipid Sources in Aquaculture Feeds. Edited by G. M. Turchini, W. K. Ng & D. R. Tocher. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group. Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp 161-208
  • Turchini, G. M., Ng, W. K., Tocher, D. R., 2011. Fish oil Replacement and Alternative Lipid Sources in Aquaculture Feeds. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group. Boca Raton, FL, USA. 551 pp. ISBN 9781439808627



  • De Silva S. S., Turchini, G. M., 2009. Review on usage of fish, directly and indirectly, as feed ingredients and feeds in Asian- Pacific aquaculture. In: Fish as feed inputs for aquaculture. Practices, sustainability and implications. Edited by M. R .Hasan & M. Halwart. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 518. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. pp 63-128.
  • De Silva, S. S., Nguyen, T. T. T., Turchini, G. M., Amarasinghe, U. S., Abery, N. W., 2009. Alien species in aquaculture and biodiversity: a paradox in food production. Ambio 38, 24–28.
  • Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., Smith, B. K., Ryan, S. G., De Silva, S. S., 2009. Effects of alternate phases of fish oil and vegetable oil based diets in Murray cod. Aquaculture Research 40, 1123-1134.
  • Palmeri, G., Turchini, G. M., De Silva, S. S., 2009. Short-term food deprivation does not improve the efficacy of a fish oil finishing strategy in Murray cod. Aquaculture Nutrition 15, 657–666.
  • Palmeri, G., Turchini, G. M., Marriott, P. J., Morrison, P., De Silva, S. S., 2009. Biometric, nutritional and sensory characteristics modification in farmed Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) during the purging process. Aquaculture 287, 354–360.
  • Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., 2009. Fatty acid metabolism (desaturation, elongation and β-oxidation) in rainbow trout fed fish oil- or linseed oil-based diets. British Journal of Nutrition 102, 69-81.
  • Turchini, G. M., Paolucci, M., 2010. Leptin and lipid metabolism in fish. In: Leptin in non-mammalian vertebrates. Edited by M. Paolucci. Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India. pp 151-172.
  • Turchini, G. M., Quinn, G. P, Jones, P. L., Palmeri, G., Gooley, G., 2009. Traceability and discrimination amongst differently farmed fish: a case study on Australian Murray cod. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57, 274–281.
  • Turchini, G. M., Torstensen, B. E., Ng, W. K., 2009. Fish oil replacement in finfish nutrition. Reviews in Aquaculture 1, 10-57.



  • Caprino, F., Moretti, V. M., Bellagamba, F., Turchini, G. M., Busetto, M. L., Giani, I., Paleari, M. A., Pazzaglia, M., 2008. Fatty acid composition and volatile compounds of caviar from farmed white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) Analytica Chimica Acta 617, 139-147.
  • De Silva, S. S., Turchini, G. M., 2008. Towards understanding the impacts of the pet food industry on world fish and seafood supplies. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21, 459-467.
  • Palmeri, G., Turchini, G. M., Caprino, F., Keast, R., Moretti, V. M., De Silva, S. S., 2008. Biometric, nutritional and sensory changes in intensively farmed Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii, Mitchell) following different purging times. Food Chemistry 107, 1605-1615.
  • Palmeri, G., Turchini, G. M., Keast, R., Marriott, P. J., Morrison, P. De Silva, S. S., 2008. Effects of starvation and water quality on the purging process of farmed Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56, 9037-9045.
  • Turchini, G. M., De Silva, S. S., 2008. Bio-economical and ethical impacts of alien finfish culture in European inland waters. Aquaculture International 16, 243-272.
  • Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., De Silva, S. S., 2008. A whole body, in vivo, fatty acid balance method to quantify PUFA metabolism (desaturation, elongation and beta-oxidation). Lipids 43, 977-977.



  • Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., Jones, P. L., De Silva, S. S., 2007. Dietary lipid source modulates in vivo fatty acid metabolism in the freshwater fish, Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55, 1582-1591.
  • Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., Jones, P. L., De Silva, S. S., 2007. Effects of fish oil substitution with a mix blend vegetable oil on nutrient digestibility in Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii. Aquaculture 269, 447-455.
  • Francis, D. S., Turchini, G. M., Jones, P. L., De Silva, S. S., 2007. Growth performance, feed efficiency and fatty acid composition of juvenile Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii, fed graded levels of canola and linseed oil. Aquaculture Nutrition 13, 335-350.
  • Palmeri, G., Turchini, G. M., De Silva, S.S., 2007. Lipid characterisation and distribution in the fillet of the farmed Australian native fish, Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii). Food Chemistry 102, 796-807.
  • Ryan, S. G., Smith, B. K., Collins, R. O., Turchini, G. M., 2007. Evaluation of weaning strategies for intensively reared Australian freshwater fish, Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 38, 527-535.
  • Turchini, G. M., Francis, D. S., De Silva, S. S., 2007. Finishing diets stimulate compensatory growth: results of a study on Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii. Aquaculture Nutrition 13, 351-360.
  • Turchini, G. M., Moretti, V. M., Mentasti, T., Orban, E., Valfré, F., 2007. Effects of dietary lipid source on fillet chemical composition, flavour volatile compounds and sensory characteristics in the freshwater fish tench (Tinca tinca). Food Chemistry 102, 1144-1155.

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